Biggest DDoS attack
IoT vendors must improve their security. Or, as Lyndon Nerenberg, an internet engineer, said on the North American Network Operators Group (NANOG), the professional association for internet engineering, architecture, and operations, mailing list, "The way this will get solved is for a couple of large ISPs and DDoS targets to sue a few of these IoT device manufacturers into oblivion." IoT vendors know this. Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology, the Chinese technology company that admitted its webcam and digital video recorder (DVR) products were used in the assault and recalled its webcams, is also threatening legal action against those that try to attach blame for the attack to its gear. Difference between ddos and dos Of course, the ISPs and DNS providers deserve much of the blame as well. Their failure to implement Network Ingress Filtering, Best Current Practice (BCP)-38 and response rate limiting (RRL) played a large role in making the attacks possible. The attacks thems...