Understand what IoT is and how it relates to cloud computing
The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to generate more than $ 11 trillion by 2025, according to a McKinsey study. It is one of the main pillars of the phenomenon known as the “era of digital transformation”, which is in full swing in the corporate world.
In this article, in addition to understanding in depth what IoT is, you will also learn about its relationship with cloud computing.
Continue reading to understand the impacts of IoT and Cloud Computing on the routine of companies in the most varied segments and see how you can take advantage of these trends in your business!
What is IoT?
The IT glossary of Gartner, the largest information technology research firm, defines IoT as "the network of physical objects that contains embedded technology to communicate and feel or interact with its internal states and / or the external environment".
In practice, we are talking about connecting basically any device (any “thing”), via an on / off button, to the internet (or vice versa).
This includes just about everything we can imagine - from smartphones and tablets to lamps and office furniture, to machines and more.
On a broader scale, with the extreme connection, we will be able to reach the much desired "smart cities", which can reduce waste, organize traffic and improve fuel efficiency.
The IT Support Engineer is responsible for taking offer application and technical support to the users. They have to respond and resolve the support requests and service tickets.
Gartner analysts estimate that by 2020 there will be more than 26 billion connected devices, which demonstrates that IoT is also a phenomenon.
In short, it is necessary to keep in mind that IoT allows, virtually, endless opportunities and connections, whose impacts we cannot even think or fully understand.
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