Why AWS leads the cloud

 Rumors about Amazon Web Services falling from the podium were premature. In an effort to democratize cloud computing services, AWS has overtaken everyone since it was spun off from mega retailer Amazon in 2002 and launched major storage products S3 and EC2 in 2006. And that leadership remains.

AWS grew rapidly, became a company that fundamentally transformed the IT industry and achieved a market leadership position, which remains - the most recent research linked to market share, made by Synergy Research , points to almost twice the market share of its closest rival Microsoft Azure, with 33% of the AWS market to 18% of Microsoft .

Data from market consultancy IDC for the second half of 2019 also puts AWS in a clear lead: with 13.2% of the public cloud services market, slightly ahead of Microsoft with 11.7%.

As with any business, Amazon's cloud success comes down to a confluence of factors: good timing, solid technology and a parent company with enough deep pockets to make aggressive capital investments from the start.

There are other unique factors that have led to AWS's success, however, including an unrelenting customer focus, an unrelenting competitive streak and an ongoing commitment to "dogfooding" or eating your own dog food - a perhaps unfortunate change of phrase that has proliferated in technology industry since the late 1980s

"Dogfooding 'refers to a company that makes a bet on its own technology - in the case of Amazon, making it publicly available as a product or service. That's what Amazon did with S3 and EC2 in 2006, and is what Amazon has been doing with almost all of its AWS product launches since then.

We asked experts how AWS has been able to dominate the public cloud market so far and, with the worldwide adoption of cloud services expected to continue to rise, according to the IDG 2020 Cloud Computing Survey , whether AWS can stay in the top of the pile for years.

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