How to ensure holistic network visibility?

 The  holistic network visibility strategy  encompasses multi-level monitoring, including data packets, latency and throughput. It allows you to understand where the data originates, who requests it, where they are going and which path they will take.  

In this way, IT can more easily detect all performance and security issues that affect the corporate network  and resolve it before anything serious happens and prevents network availability . 

To adopt this approach, it is necessary to  have  a complete  SD-WAN solution  that allows the monitoring of the entire network (local and Cloud) through a single platform.  

The goal of subnetting is to create a fast, efficient, and resilient computer network. As networks become larger and more complex, the traffic traveling through them needs more efficient routes. 

In this way,  IT professionals are able to detect declines in application performance , whether in the cloud or on-site, in addition to being able to compare relative performance to make more assertive decisions.  

Through a single platform that offers this holistic view, it is possible to transform data points into valuable insights, in addition to avoiding problems  and loss of  continuity in  a more agile way .  

According to  Gartner,  “ The infrastructure and operations leaders who manage the cloud and the cutting edge infrastructure that are responsible for the network must: 

  • Monitor the level of  proactivity  and adapt to application performance problems by implementing network visibility . 
  • Minimiz air  congestion and latency network connectivity distributing and increasing the edge bandwidth . 
  • Better air  application performance by leveraging solutions that provide end-to-end quality of service (QoS), WAN optimization and / or half a mile acceleration . 
  • Minimiz air  performance variability of broadband connectivity  taking advantage of the path selection functionality of SD-WAN solutions and provisioning various access circuits. " 


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