Do companies neglect their data?

 Bernd Steinkühler:I don't always know what's going on. The biggest threat is the regular connection of devices to the Internet. If there is a sensitive architecture behind the device, for example, a water treatment plant, this inattention can have serious consequences. If cybercriminals stop the pumps, thousands will be left without water. That is why penetration tests are important for discovering breaches in architecture. However, until recently, such tests have not been performed consistently. These inattentive practices are increasingly being reconsidered by more and more companies, and IT security is gaining in importance. For banks, become the most important topic. The entire architecture developed in this field is computer secured. As service providers, we secure data transport paths by rigorously enforcing encryption. This means that there are no attack vectors on the internet.

If anyone wanted to, could they be 100% protected from cyber attacks?

Technicians are well-versed with the brass tacks of the services/products, which they provide support for. If IT Technicians are unable to resolve a problem, it is escalated to the senior team.

Bernd Steinkühler:Honestly, cybercriminals challenge us every day and there is no 100% level of security. Every system has a weakness, no matter how well it is designed. However, if a company gives priority to cyber security and hires a hundred people in this regard, cybercriminals will only succeed with immense efforts. On the other hand, a person has nothing against them. We have incorporated many obstacles into our server cluster monitoring system: we rely on encryption and intrusion detection, which also means that we monitor traffic on our secure network. If we detect suspicious patterns, data packets are rejected and not passed on. It also helps us find out if there are security breaches and where they are. Furthermore, Our architecture is designed so that only some servers, not all, can access the infrastructure to be monitored. Employees must log in with two-factor identification and only have virtual access. He is never physically in the same room as the computers. This is an essential element: everything must be hidden so that it cannot be attacked.


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