What are the main English proficiency tests?

Among the most important English proficiency tests for those looking for professional advancement are:

Read more: Amazon Saheli Quiz Answers

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

Developed by Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(ESOL) - English for speakers of other languages, in free translation -, in England, the CPE is an exam that in addition to being used for academic purposes, is also required in the professional area.

It is considered the most advanced certificate offered by the University of Cambridge and one of the strengths in selection processes in Brazil and abroad. Hewlett-Packard (HP), KPMG, Sony and Coca-Cola are some of the companies that ask for the CPE.

Currently, the test format contains four distinct tasks: reading and using English (done in 90 minutes), writing (90 minutes), listening (40 minutes) and speaking (16 minutes). Candidates who pass at least 60% of the questions are approved.

There are more than 60 school units in Brazil (and 2700 around the planet) that are accredited to apply the CPE. The CPE certificate has no expiration date, however some institutions may request a more recent test.

See more: https://cloudtechupdate.blogspot.com/2021/04/how-does-english-proficiency-test-work.html

The registration fee varies between 450 and 550 reais.


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