
Showing posts from April, 2021

Do companies neglect their data?

 Bernd Steinkühler:I don't always know what's going on. The biggest threat is the regular connection of devices to the Internet. If there is a sensitive architecture behind the device, for example, a water treatment plant, this inattention can have serious consequences. If cybercriminals stop the pumps, thousands will be left without water. That is why penetration tests are important for discovering breaches in architecture. However, until recently, such tests have not been performed consistently. These inattentive practices are increasingly being reconsidered by more and more companies, and IT security is gaining in importance. For banks, become the most important topic. The entire architecture developed in this field is computer secured. As service providers, we secure data transport paths by rigorously enforcing encryption. This means that there are no attack vectors on the internet. If anyone wanted to, could they be 100% protected from cyber attacks? Technicians are well-v...

The risk of a cyber attack

 The risk of a cyber attack against electricity and gas services in Latin America is significant. According to a 2016 security article, “In Latin America and the Caribbean, cyber attacks on power plants can become the most serious threat to any country, due to the impact on the population and the physical destruction of structures in a extremely wide area ”. In addition, Latin American electricity and gas companies face an extraordinary challenge due to the mixed control between public and private entities for the generation, transmission and distribution of energy1 . Know more:  Computer Science vs Computer Engineering We see three characteristics that make the industry particularly vulnerable to cyber threats. First, there are an increasing number of threats faced by public service concessionaires: from actors of the nation-state type in search of causing economic and security breakdowns to cyber criminals who understand the economic value represented by this sector. Second ...

How is the job market in the software engineer area?

 Brazil appears in first place in Latin America and among the main countries in the world ranking of software developers, manufacturers and distributors. This is undoubtedly a great incentive to keep the job market warm. According to a survey by  the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (Abes) , Brazil appeared in ninth place in the world ranking of software and services in 2018, with a market worth US $ 18.6 billion - equivalent to 1.6% of the total in the sector. This result puts us ahead of countries like Italy and Holland, considered economically more developed. Today, the software sector represents 1.9% of the national gross domestic product (GDP). Year by year, the Brazilian indicators have increased and heated up the sector. Currently, there are 17 thousand companies working in the area, 49.3% of which are micro-companies. Technicians are well-versed with the brass tacks of the services/products, which they provide support for. If IT Technicians are unable to re...

How important is a good IT infrastructure project?

 In small businesses, it is common to make the mistake of neglecting IT infrastructure planning, adding last-minute resources as demand increases. The problem with adopting this mindset is that investments are usually made in a hurry. Costs are higher, resources are wasted and the lack of integration of devices creates obstacles to routine activities, spending more time in the processes. Now that we’ve answered the question of what is SOW , it’s time to discuss the objective. The objective, or scope statement, clearly identifies the project’s objective and purpose.  A good IT infrastructure project aims to eliminate these problems, predicting the company's growth and future investments . Thus, we can make better use of existing resources, promote the integration of used resources , optimizing processes and increasing performance and productivity. In addition, a planned investment allows market research to be well done , finding the best opportunities and the most appropriate s...

Roles and Responsibilities of Network Engineer

  The  network engineer  maintains and controls computer networks and everything related to them,  hardware programs and software structures  . This includes the  assignment of routing protocols and tables  , configuration and authorization of services and maintenance of the entire network system (with routers, firewalls, etc.). Creating a subnet allows you to limit the number of routers that network traffic has to pass through. An engineer will effectively create smaller mini-routes within a larger network to allow traffic to travel the shortest distance possible. Sometimes they also take care of the maintenance of the VPN installations and servers. What does a network and communications analyst do? Install network systems and computers (LAN and WAN networks) Ensuring the proper functioning of the network Administration of users, programs and documentation Diagnosing network problems and designing solutions Troubleshooting the network to maximize its...

What are the main English proficiency tests?

Among the most important English proficiency tests for those looking for professional advancement are: Read more:  Amazon Saheli Quiz Answers Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) Developed by Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​(ESOL) - English for speakers of other languages, in free translation -, in England, the CPE is an exam that in addition to being used for academic purposes, is also required in the professional area. It is considered the most advanced certificate offered by the University of Cambridge and one of the strengths in selection processes in Brazil and abroad. Hewlett-Packard (HP), KPMG, Sony and Coca-Cola are some of the companies that ask for the CPE. Currently, the test format contains four distinct tasks: reading and using English (done in 90 minutes), writing (90 minutes), listening (40 minutes) and speaking (16 minutes). Candidates who pass at least 60% of the questions are approved. There are more than 60 school units in Brazil (and 2...

Do you think about studying Computer Engineering?

 The engineering career has   always been highly respected and valued in the job market. It turns out that after so many years, this large area has been divided into several strands that study specific knowledge. In this post, we will talk about Computer Engineering, its characteristics and opportunities. Getting to know your course of interest before starting college is the best thing any student can do. After all, this is an important decision that needs to be based on real information in order to be right. So, if you are one of the people who want to know a little more than a computer engineer does, be sure to check out this post! How is the Computer Engineering course? The first step in becoming a computer engineer is to enter the course to begin your  studies . Usually, this is a graduation that lasts around 5 years - or 10 semesters - and aims to offer all the necessary support in preparing the professional for the job market. A DHCP Engineer (dynamic host cli...

Train employees in cybersecurity

The weakest link in a security system is the human. Cybercriminals have developed sophisticated phishing and social engineering schemes to trick users into relinquishing confidential account information, leading to a breach. It is important to regularly train and remind employees to be on the lookout for telltale signs of phishing scams.  Other safety training topics should include:  Creating strong passwords Detecting phishing emails  Safe browsing practices  Protecting confidential corporate information  Declining suspicious downloads  But regular training and reminders are still not enough. In addition, you must implement randomized, unannounced tests. Send fake phishing emails to your employees, following the traditional elements of a phishing email. Then, identify who clicked on your fake email and offer training courses. This will help you to disseminate training information to the employees who need it most. A data center technician should answer qu...

You may not know these unfinished versions of Windows

 At this point, at least for the moment, no one doubts that Windows is the benchmark operating system on desktops. This does not seem to change, so Microsoft is in charge of this continue like this for many years. But there are versions of Windows that did not exist, although they were part of the Redmond plans. With Windows 10 at the forefront in terms of use and market penetration, the software giant has been offering systems, platforms and programs to get here for years. In fact, since the first version of what Windows is today , decades have passed, as well as successes and resounding failures for this particular firm. Surely most of you remember fondly versions such as Windows XP and Windows 7 that have now practically disappeared. On the contrary, there are also those that did not have much less the expected acceptance among the general public. This is the case of Vista or ME, among others. Of course, what perhaps not all of you know is that at the same time there were projec...